February 6, 2013

TwitFlink: The links are no longer lost in Twitter

By admin

Now, most of the problems with Twitter are derivatives of the massive use we make of it. Therefore, it often happens that someone publishes an interesting link that you want to explore, but for when we are going to find it a tide of tweets it has made to disappear. With TwitFlick this does not happen again, guaranteed.


Now we can choose any Twitter account and examine it with TwitFlick so that remove us all web links that in it have been published. We just have to enter the user name of the account and give SEARCH, the program does the rest.

Then get a list of all the links published this account. The idea is extremely simple and seems patently obvious, but becomes quite useful as we use it more. Such tools are those that make our life a little easier on many occasions.

This application takes just a few seconds to search and results, due to the simplicity of the process, are fully satisfactory. It is free and does not require any installation, you just have to use and enjoy, like Twitter.