April 24, 2009

How to Easily Read All Your Twitter Friend Updates

By admin

Ever wanted to easily find out what all your Twitter friends are doing right now? It would be great if there was a way to scan through updates and see what’s happening with a glance.

Twitter for Busy People

Now you can with Twitter for Busy People, a simple web-based tool that arranges all your Twitter friends in a grid format so you can easily mouse over and check out what their latest updates are. Just move your mouse over the avatar and it’ll pop-up in a box with a ‘read more’ option so you can actually see more updates without leaving the page.

Just enter your username (no need for password) and you’re good to go. This quite useful and it is indeed a faster way to know whats going on with all your Twitter friends, instead of clicking to their profiles or reading all their twitter RSS feeds.