October 16, 2012

6 solutions to filter out irrelevant content from time line of Twitter

By admin

Twitter gives us much information, in many cases very good information, but the irrelevant information is also the order of the day. Perhaps many will ask or be thinking that this problem is easily solved leaving to follow the person who delivering irrelevant information.

filter out irrelevant content of Twitter

But sometimes for various reasons, some people do not want to leave to follow another person or just sometimes, despite publishing irrelevant information, those users also publish valuable information.

To solve this problem, one of the ways we have and not as drastic as unfollow a user is filtering information from our time line.

Then we commented on 6 solutions comprising online applications and a plugin, which help us in this task of filtering information.

This service lets you filter tweets based on hashtags. Only see the tweets of the subject of that hashtag and in real time.

The Tweeted Times
It is like a newspaper in real time that shows the most important thing on your time line.

To block apps, mute users and filter hashtags.

It allows us to filter content from the web and thus see the most important of our time line.

Twit Cleaner
Tool that delivers information to be able to decide if finally it takes the decision to stop following the user and although at first we mentioned that this was a very drastic decision, this tool can help them to be sure of what they do. From these data we can see who does not send original tweets, who sends spam, who sends tweets in a quantity that goes from the ordinary and other important data.

Plugin for Twitter that lets you filter the content of the time line and be able to see the most interesting of the same one.