August 5, 2012
TweetLine: New Twitter client for Android phones
TweetLine is a new Twitter client for Android on Alpha state, which in addition to presenting several basic features common to other customers, also offers advanced functions.
This mobile application is in the style of Android 4.0 and supports all devices with Android 2.1 or higher.
The main features of TweetLine are the following:
- Moving down the column, update the stream, both the timeline, direct messages, as well as of the entries.
- Takes into account the last tweet showed, that when we returned to the application, start to show the tweets from the latter that we read.
- Supports TwitPic, Yfrog and Lockerz.
- To assign a color to a particular user, so when you send tweets, we can easily detect.
- Integrates URL shortener
- Preview thumbnail images via the same tweet and when they click on it, can see it full screen also supports zoom.
- Themes available in android 4.0: Dark, light and light/dark.
- Sets the text size and color.
- Auto-complete when you type the name of a friend.
It still lacks, but should take into account that they just released. Makers say they are working to include new features such as the integration of TwitLonger to be able to write tweets longer than 140 characters, multiple account support, notification of new messages and much more.