November 24, 2011

When to “follow back” on Twitter

By admin

One of the most important issues is determining when a tweeter must follow back their followers. In the network of microblogging there are some rules about it and here are some tips.

follow me

One of the most common standards on Twitter is to follow who follows you. Many new tweeters are afraid that if they do not follow as a courtesy to his followers, lost contacts in the social network. However, it is not mandatory to do so. Be grateful, some mention but not necessarily follow a person whose tweets do not interest you.

It is not recommended that you follow hundreds of contacts with the sole purpose of gaining followers. Follow too many people only give you a timeline impossible to read and which is probably full of things that do not interest you.

To know when to give a follow back, we recommend that you take a few minutes to read the biography and some tweets of the other contact.

That will give you a first idea of ​​who he is, if tweets or just have an account to read other people and what things he writes. You can also follow him for a few days and see if their tweets really interest you. Don’t forget that you can make unfollow whenever you want (leave to follow).