April 25, 2012

Create a daily backup of your Twitter with TweetBackup

By admin

The most active users of Twitter can get to send 2, 30 and 50 messages a day through microblogging, with most of them interesting and content that would like to have on hand.


To ensure that your tweets are always at your fingertips and without danger of disappearing due to errors in the servers, there is the application TweetBackup, capable of creating a support diary of all your activities on Twitter.

Free, TweetBackup creates a complete backup not only the messages you send, but also we receive, our list of supporters, whom we follow, etc, then download it to our computer in various formats, with the option to share them with friends via the Internet.

TweetBackup performs backups every 48 hours and can store up to 3200 messages, more than enough for even the most active Twitters. To avail the services of this interesting application, you should only enter your site and link it to your Twitter account.